Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Response Question: Winter of 1777 (pages 164-end)

On p. 168, Tim mentions that the Continental Army is camped at "a place called Valley Forge." Have you ever visited Valley Forge? What did you see? Find a picture of this historical landmark, right in our own backyard, and post it. Is it important for us to visit these places where history happened?


Anonymous said...

Yes i did visit Valley Forge. At Valley Forge it is covered in grass, there are deer, and some trees as well. I think it is very important for us to visit places where history occured because it makes us more intellegent as a person and it would make a good feild trip.

Anonymous said...

Yes I have visit Valley Forge. At Valley Forge there is grass ever were, a lot of log cabbines, many tress and there are also a lot of land that is opened. I think that it is important for us to visit places were histort has occured because we can learn many different things and we could also see how we would of probaly lives if certain things did not happin that did. Here is a picture of a scene from Valley Forge: http://northstargallery.com/americainheritage/valleyforge/valleyforge009web.jpg

Anonymous said...

Yes, I have visited Valley Forge.When I went to Valley Forge I saw lots of grass and trees.I think its important for us to visit places like that because we can see what it feels like to be places where history was made.This is where you can find a picture of Valley Forge at http://jim-frizzell.com/valley_forge_nature_center.htm

Anonymous said...

(Ms.P,this is a new blog because i didnt know how to do the other one i posted)

Yes i have visited Valley Forge which is a beautiful place covered in grass, trees, and a house here and there.In addition, i think that we should visit Valley Forge so we can experience the culture and the way the colonists lived in 1777, because it makes us more intellegent as a people. You can find the picture @ :
